Mai Thanh Nhat Truong

a.k.a Truong Thanh Nhat Mai


have a nice day

He was born Vietnamese and is currently living in South Korea. His research interests include, but are not limited to, model-based deep learning, machine learning paradigms, and mathematical modeling.

He is happy to answer questions regarding his research. He can be reached via moc.liamzom@ub6ymgrib (this is a masked email address to fight bots, he will reply using his real email, sorry for the inconvenience), or you can open issues on his GitHub repositories.

His current time is

selected publications

  1. TPAMI
    Attention-Guided Low-Rank Tensor Completion
    Truong Thanh Nhat Mai, Edmund Y. Lam, and Chul Lee
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024
  2. TGRS
    Deep unfolding tensor rank minimization with generalized detail injection for pansharpening
    Truong Thanh Nhat Mai, Edmund Y. Lam, and Chul Lee
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024
  3. TIP
    Deep unrolled low-rank tensor completion for high dynamic range imaging
    Truong Thanh Nhat Mai, Edmund Y. Lam, and Chul Lee
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022
  4. SoCo
    Automatic image thresholding using Otsu’s method and entropy weighting scheme for surface defect detection
    Mai Thanh Nhat Truong, and Sanghoon Kim
    Soft Computing, 2018